As writers, we constantly hear how we need to have an online presence. Whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Goodreads, Tumblr, etc., the more people we can connect with, the better our book sales. But exploring pages and finding a writing community can be difficult when you don't know where to start, or you're introverted like I am. So I've compiled a list of my top 10 favorite writing Facebook Groups/Pages that have helped me find a community, get published, create a marketing plan for myself, and much, much more.
Read more10 Tips for Writers
I interview authors every month to learn more about them and their craft. One of the questions I always ask is, "What are common traps for aspiring writers?" The answers have been very enlightening, and I'd recommend checking them out here. But it got me thinking, what tips do I have for fellow authors? Here are a few important ones that came to mind.
Read moreShould You Create Characters After Yourself?
I'm sure you've heard the joke: be careful not to tick off a writer, she might turn you into a character and kill you. It's pretty common for authors to create characters based on people they've run into in their daily lives. Maybe they borrow aspects from them (an interest, a talent, a job) and insert them into new characters in their books. But what about turning yourself into a character? Is it a good idea, or are you running the risk of making the book too personal?
Read moreShould Books Have Trigger Warnings?
Last year, I attended ICON, Iowa's longest running sci-fi/fantasy convention. During a panel in which I shared information about myself as an author and my books, the audience and I started talking about trigger warnings and parental advisory notices on music and movies. This led us to wonder, should books also have warnings as well? Yes, we divide the books between children's, YA, NA, Adult, Erotica, etc., but is that enough?
Read moreDealing With Deadlines
What can you do to set up, and stick to, deadlines for your book or creative piece?
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