Jenn Thompson
I’m a mother of three, (6 if you count my husband, dog, and cat) who loves reading and writing. For years I wrote and published poetry, finally giving novel writing a try. I just wanted to write. I was sick of reading about over done vampires and werewolves. The battle over who was better, Edward or Jacob; vampire or werewolf, I’ve read it all before. I wanted more out of my paranormal romance, something that hasn’t been touched in a while. The world needs a break from the normal and what better way than a whole new playing field?
Need more? I love all kinds of music, my favorite color is blue, and yes; I love Batman!
If you still need more check out my links below for up to date information on The Vilincia Coven series. As well as all the crazy things I write about, and do!
1. Will you tell us about your most recent published work?
The Watcher is about a coven of witches, protecting humans from the darkness, and their future god. If he should die before he turns 18, his legendary magic powers are up for grabs. Cole goes through a lot of self-discovery, and falls hard for the girl sent to keep him safe. He becomes determined to change her fate, and his, to save her too.
2. What personal challenges do you face as a writer?
Slowing down my vision enough to word the details, info dumping, and grammar is one of my mortal enemies.
3. What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
Getting the mood just right to write. With 3 kids, life happens, and moods change. So, setting my work area, and timing, just right, is a must!
4. What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?
While I am a book nerd, I am also a DC nerd girl too! That being said, I would give up all my DC memorabilia to become a better writer.
5. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
It changed me drastically. I went at it without even thinking about the little things like an editor until that first bad review. It melted me, completely broke my heart. It took me 6 years to recover from that and publish The Watcher. I also took on the role of VP of a small publishing house during this time, giving me a better look into traditional publishing. This pushed me to be a huge advocate for indie authors and books. So, I started a non-profit to help get those indie reads to the reader wanting more than the next big trend. (Yep, there’s my IABE plug, you knew it was coming!)
6. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? Will you tell us about them?
7 total. The one I’m into now is my NANOWRIMO project. It’s what happens when Adam and Eve seek revenge on God for being banned from heaven and deemed immortal. Forced to walk earth to the end of time.
Present time- Addi, daughter of powerful lawyer Adam Morrison, never really liked her father. After all, he left her and her mother, when she was just 6. Years later she learned of her half-sister, who happened to be her age. Now 19, Addi discovers her sister has been spending too much time with her boyfriend. Add this to bad weather, and Addi learns how valuable her life truly is. And how her father destroyed it.
7. Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
I do read reviews. Now that I’ve had 10 years in the writing/publishing game, I take them as constructive critiques, and remind myself, my books are not for everyone.
8. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
If you know me well enough, you’ll be able to find the character that matches you. I take a lot from my friends’ personalities and put them into my characters, because they are amazing people, and they make me want to be a better me!
9. What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
Tons! But I do have a few honorable mentions! Gina Dickerson writes AMAZING NA paranormal fiction that is to DIE for! She gives me a reason to keep writing and is always willing to listen! Lu Whitley, who writes NA fiction as well, has been an amazing friend. Cassy Albee is full of amazing ideas, she writes in many genres, and is one of the owners of NeoLeaf Press. She picks me up when I feel down, and has a beautiful soul.
10. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Don’t try to be what you think others want you to be. Follow your dreams, don’t wait!
11. What are common traps for aspiring writers?
Oh there are so many! Vanity Presses, POD services, pay to publish presses. Most of the ones I’ve encountered are out to make money from authors and readers. Then they will charge higher royalties to make yet more off of authors. It’s like paying to have a job, who does that? For better ways please check out the IABE blog. I have a lot of low cost and free resources for writers, authors, and readers!
12. What’s the best way to market your books?
Social media! The trick is, knowing how to do it right! Know your audience, and keep up with marketing trends. Try everything, no matter how silly it seems. It might just get you the attention you need.
13. What is your favorite childhood book?
OMG ANYTHING by R.L. Stein!!!!!! I loved the spooky and creepy as a kid, and still do to this day!
Social Media:
instagram is @jenn.tho.9